Who are we ?

Spiritual life

May their whole life and exercises be to unite with God…

Rule of life

Salesian spirituality

Our spirituality is completely rooted in the spirit of Saint Francis de Sales : great humility towards God and gentleness towards neighbour.

Following him, we seek to trace the image of Christ in us.
We want to live the Gospel in the spirit of Saint Francis de Sales, in a total, free, joyful and loving gift.
We seek to live the present moment, walking step by step after Jesus, united to His offering to the Father.
Saint François de Sales

“All in Him,
All by Him,
Everything with Him.
Everything for Him All He.”

Saint Francis de Sales

“Offering ourselves to God the Father
like the bread and wine of the Eucharist
to become the Body and Blood of Christ for our brothers, this is the meaning of our vocation as Oblates.
All is in sight of God and for his own pleasure».Your Attractive Heading”.

Father Louis Brisson

Our means of union with God:
the Spiritual Directory

The life of an Oblate is to be united to God constantly, without effort, without embarrassment, without great brilliance, without great discourse. In the midst of the occupations of active life, the soul must be able to lead the contemplative life. It will therefore be in an intimate union with God, in a heart-to-heart conversation with him, through the practice of the spiritual Directory, that she will be led to imitate the hidden life of our Lord, his Eucharistic life.

Father Louis Brisson


vie spirituelle
Apostolat des Oblates
vie communautaire