Who are we ?

Community life

“May your communities be a concrete proclamation of the civilization of love…
It requires that each of you, in your daily relationships,
be guided by a look of supernatural tenderness towards each of her Sisters
and to all whom she meets on her way.”

Saint Jean Paul II


Our monastic origins

Léonie Aviat and Lucie Canuet, the first two Oblates, were trained in religious life by Good Mother Marie de Sales Chappuis and the Visitandine Sisters of the Monastery of Troyes. Our religious life is rooted in that of the Order of Saint Mary’s Visitation.

Soeurs à la chapelle de la Maison-Mère


Prayer is at the heart of our life as Oblates. We meet every day, morning and evening, for a time of silent prayer (prayer) which is followed by the office of Lauds or Vespers. The Eucharist is the summit of our day. Through our prayer through the Directory, God’s grace can irrigate our whole day.

Soeurs lors d'un repas de fête

Community life

We are sent to a community with our talents, our weaknesses, our diversities to fulfill the mission that God entrusts to us. With the sisters he has chosen, we discover the happiness of a life given and shared in truth, forgiveness, peace, joy, love.

Soeur en prière


Silence, especially within, is given to us in order to “dwell” in God. It is an essential practice in our apostolic life. It helps to remain “present” in the Presence of God in us and in others. Little by little, it becomes the space for an interior dialogue with Christ. This presence to God enriches our apostolic life.

Soeurs qui se retrouvent

religious habit

From the beginning of the Congregation, our founders and sisters believed in the importance of wearing a religious habit. It is the outward and eloquent sign of our consecration to God, in a world that seeks God or does not know him.

Croix des Oblates de Saint François de Sales


We receive it on the day of our Profession, that is, our consecration to God. It is a sign of our covenant with Christ and of our union with our sisters. Through Christ we want to help each other to respond to the Church’s mission. It also marks our special bond with Saint Francis de Sales and the Order of the Visitation.

The charisma unfolds in three aspects
