Who are we ?

Apostolic life

Our mission is to offer faith to souls when it is not there
and to keep it, to increase it in those where it is already.

Father Louis Brisson

Church life

At the heart of the Church, our life of union with God gives us to be signs of a God close to every human being, loved as he is.


Through a community and fraternal life, with respect for our differences, through a poor, chaste and obedient life, we want to witness to the love of Jesus and help others to grow in their personal vocation and faith.

The Oblate entrusts himself to God to be his instrument. She puts at her disposal the talents she has received from Him to do her work, united to all her Sisters.

Our life is in our spirit of faith, of union with God, of detachment from ourselves, special life of Oblates of Saint-François de Sales, otherwise our works would be null, if we did not lead a life of peace, of union with God

Father Louis Brisson

Our apostolates

Our apostolates

The charisma unfolds in three aspects
