
A discernment is necessary to judge the reality of a call to follow Christ as an Oblate of Saint Francis de Sales. It is done in prayer and through regular meetings with a sister. It is also possible to come and spend a few days in a community of Oblates to discover our life.
The call of Christ that I feel, can it fill my life ?

During a period of mutual discovery, the postulant lives in a community and participates in the apostolate of the Congregation.
Accompanied by the mistress of postulants she examines her desire for religious life.
To follow Christ in the fraternal and apostolic life of the Oblate Sisters does it reply to my desire of friendship and happiness with Christ and others ?

At the beginning of the novitiate, those who become novices receive the religious habit, the external sign of their desire to dedicate themselves to God. The time of the novitiate lasts two years. This is a time of formation of the whole person to discover herself, to grow in intimacy with Jesus and participate in community life according to the charism of the founders and the Constitutions of the Congregation. Through her personal experience and discussion with the Mistress of Novices, the novice advances to the total gift to Christ in a life of chastity, poverty and obedience.
Do I want to live this adventure of an intimate life with Christ in the service of others ?

The Religious Profession
At the end of the Novitiate, the novice makes her religious profession, by consecrating all that she is to God. This is a covenant of love in which she unites herself completely to Christ. By the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, she gives herself to the service of the mission within the Congregation and she is prepared to go where her superiors send her.
Can I let myself be shaped by the love of Christ so as to give myself entirely ?

Time of the Annual Vows
For a period of five years or nine years at the most, these vows are renewed each year. This time of experimentation allows professed sister to deepen her human, intellectual, spiritual, and professional formation in order to live the Oblate vocation oriented to the evangelization. Sent in a community, she gradually learns to unify all the aspects of her life.

Final vows
At the end of these years of temporary vows, the professed sister commits herself forever by the Profession of perpetual vows. This makes her gift to God and her integration into the Congregation complete.
Confident in the grace that will never be lacking, am I ready to live forever in the love, by the love and for the love of Christ ?

Continual Training
The training does not stop at these initial steps, it must be followed throughout our lives.