Saint Francis de Sales


Portrait de Saint François de Sales

Bishop and Doctor of the Church he founded the Visitation Order of Holy Mary with Saint Jeanne de Chantal.
The desire of St Francis de Sales in founding the Visitation was to unite the interior life with the apostolate. The virtue based solely on the love of God and one’s neighbour. Holiness does not consist in doing extraordinary things, but lies in the constant faithfulness of living continuously the present moment in the sight of God, and in seeing there the expression of his will.

Learn more about our Founders

Saint François de Sales

Saint François de Sales

Our spiritual master

Bonne Mère Marie de Sales

Venerable Mother Marie de Sales

Our Inspiration

Bienheureux Père Louis Brisson

blessed louis Brisson

Our founder

Sainte Léonie Aviat

sainte léonie

Our founder