Regional Feastday

On Saturday November 4, many Sisters of the Western European Region gathered to thank their Regional Superior and her Council. It was an opportunity for us to enjoy a time of sharing and fraternal encounters at the Motherhouse. It was a joyful and lively afternoon.

Our meeting began with a festive meal, to which Father Blanc, chaplain of the Motherhouse, was also invited. Each of us was delighted to come together with Sisters from other houses to share news, ideas for the apostolate, and common memories…

An escape game followed: imprisoned in the city of Geneva, we had to escape with the help of St. Francis de Sales. Each community had prepared one stage of the game, for which we were divided into 7 teams. Each team was given the name of a Savoyard commune and its coat of arms. The fastest team found the key that gave all of us our freedom… and the right to a tasty snack!

At the end of the day, Mass and Vespers brought us together in prayer. Each Sister had the opportunity to give thanks for this time together before all returned to their communities for the new school year.